Tag Archives: writing handbook

Structures: The Reluctant Writer’s Guide to College Essays

StructuresCoverI’m on sabbatical from my teaching duties in order to write a book. I intended to write just one book. I ended up writing two. This is one of them.

STRUCTURES: THE RELUCTANT WRITER’S GUIDE TO COLLEGE ESSAYS is a freshman composition handbook for those who dislike writing essays. Filled with straightforward information, easy-to-follow outlines, and essay examples, STRUCTURES demystifies essay writing and gives the reluctant writer support and confidence in a life skill that isn’t always pleasant but is always necessary.


1: Invention & Prewriting
2: Arrangement
3: Drafting
4: Revision & Editing
5: Different Answers = Different Essays
6: Narration, with Description
7: Process
8: Division, with Exemplification
9: Comparison and/or Contrast
10: Classification, with Exemplification
11: Cause and Effect
12: Argumentation
13: Researching and Documenting Sources
14: Argumentation Essays
15: Mixed-Mode Essay
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Product Details

  • Paperback: 128 pages
  • Publication Date: