After nearly five years after the original, I’ve updated my college essay writing handbook. Updates include MLA style of documentation, new student models, and information about the rhetorical situation.
Tag Archives: writing handbook
Structures: The Reluctant Writer’s Guide to College Essays
I’m on sabbatical from my teaching duties in order to write a book. I intended to write just one book. I ended up writing two. This is one of them.
STRUCTURES: THE RELUCTANT WRITER’S GUIDE TO COLLEGE ESSAYS is a freshman composition handbook for those who dislike writing essays. Filled with straightforward information, easy-to-follow outlines, and essay examples, STRUCTURES demystifies essay writing and gives the reluctant writer support and confidence in a life skill that isn’t always pleasant but is always necessary.
1: Invention & Prewriting
2: Arrangement
3: Drafting
4: Revision & Editing
5: Different Answers = Different Essays
6: Narration, with Description
7: Process
8: Division, with Exemplification
9: Comparison and/or Contrast
10: Classification, with Exemplification
11: Cause and Effect
12: Argumentation
13: Researching and Documenting Sources
14: Argumentation Essays
15: Mixed-Mode Essay
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Product Details
- Paperback: 128 pages
- Publication Date: